ABN Spring Networking Event 2015

Dear Friends and Collegues,
ABN is excited to feature Mrs. Jacqueline Karaaslanian, Executive Director of Luys Foundation as Guest Speaker at our upcoming ABN Spring Networking Event.
Please join us on March 31, at the Sheraton Commander Hotel in Cambridge, MA at 7pm as Mrs. Karaaslanian shares her story of 30-year journey from the technology hub at MIT Media Labs in Cambridge, MA to heading the educational mission of Luys Foundation in Armenia. Mrs. Karaaslanian presentation will offer great insight for young Armenian adults and their parents on the Luys programs, as well as an insider's look at many exciting developments in Armenia where ABN members can collaborate and create value.
Mrs. Karaaslanian worked with the founding members of MIT Media Labs from its inception for 25 years, serving as the Director of Special Projects for the Future of Learning and Media Fabrics Groups in her last role. She moved to Armenia in 2009 to focus on the educational mission of Luys Foundation - an organization dedicated to financially supporting and nurturing relationships with Armenian scholars (under 40) studying at top universities from around the world. In return, Luys scholars apply their acquired skills and knowledge to tangible economic and cultural change in Armenia. For more information about Luys Foundation, please visit http://www.luys.am
"Armenia Rewards the Bold - It is a fascinating country that keeps surprising people, and offering each a unique experience to understand oneself and the world. Our challenge as Armenians is to leverage the potential Armenia has with today’s major innovative changes. We now have the tools to shape the way we learn, think and work together as a 10-million-strong network." Jacqueline Karaaslanian
Once again, the Guleserian Family and the wonderful hospitality team at Sheraton Commander Hotel have graciously offered to host the event at Nubar Restaurant. Complimentary appetizers and a cash bar will be provided and Nubar's full restaurant menu will also be available should you choose to have dinner. As always, there is no fee for attending this event or the presentation. You can find directions and Nubar's full menu at http://nubarcambridge.com
We are looking forward to a thought provoking, educational and fun filled evening with great food, drinks and company in a festive and social setting. RSVP by Friday, March 27, to armenianbusinessnetwork@gmail.com and indicate your business category/interest/industry so that we can include it on your name badge. In addition, there will be an area designated for business collateral, so please feel free to bring a supply of your business cards, company brochures, etc.
If you are not currently an ABN Member you can join at the link below, however, membership is not a requirement for attending the March 31st event. Please feel free to extend this invitation to your Armenian contacts in the New England area, as you deem appropriate.
To join ABN visit http://www.armenianbusinessnetwork.com and request to join on our homepage, through the LinkedIn and Facebook icons.
Date of Event: Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Guest Speaker: 7pm promptly @ Mt. Vernon Ballroom at the Sheraton Commander Hotel, 16 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA.
Networking Event: 8pm @ Nubar Restaurant
Valet parking available for attendees at a discounted rate of $10 with validation at Nubar Restaurant
Look forward to seeing you all there!
ABN Executive Team